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Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Website in the Making !!!

Good News !!!

I will no longer be posting on this blog. I am creating a new site named "FASCISM YOU CAN VOTE FOR". The url is simply  www.fascistnews.com

You can check it out right now if you want, not much to see as of yet though...

It will eventually be an interactive site. One that will have chat and posting rooms. The site will be free, however, there will be a special members only section that will cost a small amount.

This is going to take some time to get it going. I am teaching myself basic html and learning about scripts and wysiwyg software. Couple this with holding down a regular job while doing research for the site as well... oh.... and the business aspect, it just wont be a quick process.

If there are any webmasters out there who think they would like to speak to me about the site, please email me... I could use a hand for sure....

I have a unique idea that may set this site apart from the rest but I have to develop it better before I put it out there.

Eventually once the site is up and running, I will move it to a secure host in Sweden.

This will be done for several reasons but the main reason will be to give a layer of security to the special reporters that will be posting on the site. I have a way to ensure them total anonymity.

I am going to stop talking now... I'm giving out tmi.

Ok take care all !!

I think this next year is going to be like nothing we have seen to date....


Monday, December 27, 2010

Mass Hypnosis Over the Internet Starts Wednesday in St. Cloud Minnesota Via Flickering Office LED Lights.

This has the makings of a mass hypnosis tool for the NWO.

The original story headline reads… “Flickering lights used to send coded signals for Internet”.

In general the human eye is believed to be able to perceive pictures at 30fps, however, 220fps or higher have been proposed by others.

But this is the conscious minds perception. What about the subconscious? At what rate can it perceive pictures and data?

And for our article see Photosensitive epilepsy.

Men like Hitler, Mussolini, Kim Jong-il, and countless others though out history, not only were aware of this, but also wielded this power over their subjects to do whatever their evil hearts desired.

A technic that Hitler used was his strong emotional and vocal commands. It has been uncovered now that Hitler was coached on how to deliver such a convincing vocal mindwipe.

Watch this Documentary to see some of Kim Jong-il’s handy work.

Want to try it yourself?  Go here for pointers.

We are told that no one has a complete understanding how the mind works. One question that perplexes me is this, “why does the subconscious allow others to program it?”

I also want to know how to ensure my firewall is working against such attacks.

The question anymore is not, “who is brainwashed?” it is, “who is not?”

“Your mind can be hacked without you even knowing it”… this statement should send shivers all over you!

What worries me about this news article that I have brought forth is that the amount of brainwashing of the subliminal mind could possibly explode with the use of office lighting disguised as an internet Wifi alternative.

Do we really need a Wifi alternative?

This looks like a solution looking for a problem to me.

Just think, from a remote unknown location, countless numbers of people could be mindwiped over the internet…. And no one would ever suspect a thing…How convenient !

All I can say folks is this, if and when this technology comes to your office, I would have suggested…. “Don’t drink the kool-aid”… but by that time…. it might be too late.


                                    See Video

If the Governments have really made it illegal for corporation to use against us, do you really think they just closed it away in a box never to use it themselves?

Link Back to GLP Here

Friday, December 24, 2010

WikiLeaks Set to Reveal U.S. - UFO War in Southern Ocean

A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables details that the Americans have been “engaged” since 2004 in a “war” against UFO’s based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.
According to this report, the United States went to its highest alert level on June 10, 2004 after a massive fleet of UFO’s “suddenly emerged” from the Southern Ocean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the American border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in this report to have “dimensionally returned” to their Southern Ocean “home base”.
The fears of the Americans regarding these Southern Ocean UFO’s began, this report says, during the unprecedented events of July 11, 1991 (referred to as 7/11) when during the Solar Eclipse these mysterious aircraft appeared by the hundreds over nearly all of Mexico, even their Capital city. Most notable about the events of 7/11 were that as millions of Mexicans were watching on their televisions the National broadcasts of these UFO’s over Mexico City, the American media refused to allow their people to view it.
Study Nursing Leadership
Since 2004, this report continues, fleets of Southern OceanUFO’s have continued to emerge from their bases, with the latest such event being this Friday past when another of their massive fleets was sighted over the South American Nation of Chile.
The “immediate danger” to our World when these massive UFO fleets emerge from the Southern Ocean, this report warns, are the massive waves caused by their sudden eruption from what are believed to be their underwater base, or bases. In the past week alone, the Clelia II, an Antarctic cruise ship with 160 people onboard, was nearly capsized when hit by waves generated by these UFO’s emerging from the Southern Ocean, and just today the Number One Insung has been reported sunk with only 20 of its 42 member crew said saved due to the same cause.
Interesting to note in this report is its confirming our October 14th report US Shuts Down New York City Airspace Over UFO ‘Threat’ that these same Southern Ocean UFO’s were responsible for the closing of the airspace over New York Citythis past fall (October 13th) when they “appeared” openly and were witnessed by tens of thousands of people, and which, coincidentally, occurred during the same time frame as the mysterious Crystal Skulls of the ancient South American peoples were being exhibited there too.
Even more interesting to note is that the mysterious earthquakes being reported in the Gulf of Aden (where another “extraterrestrial” event is currently ongoing and we had reported on in our December 1st report Mysterious ‘Vortex’ Warned Is Creating Global Weather Catastrophe) are now being reported occurring in the Southern Ocean too.
This report goes on to state that after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warned last week that he would begin releasing secret US cables relating to these Southern Ocean UFO’s, and the Americans “war” against them, he was immediately arrested by British Police on trumped up charges issued by the Swedish government which in our December 8th report,Global Rebellion Erupts After “Unprotected Sex Meets Disrobed Governments”, we noted were engineered against him as a “classic” CIA “Honey Trap”.
Note: Since our last report on the EU-US frame-up of Assange it is now being reported that one of his two accusers, Anna Ardin, has fled Sweden and is now in hiding in the Palestinian territories.
To if Assange, or his WikiLeaks website, will survive to see the whole release of these Southern Ocean UFO files it is not to our knowing, nor does this report say.
What is in our knowing, however, and when coupled with the information we reported on in our December 10th reportMassive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth, suggests that the timing of these events, as we near the December 20/21 Total Lunar Eclipse, and as Mercury turns retrograde and joins Mars as it forms a conjunction with Pluto, that the ending of this year, 2010, truly marks the ending of this age as prophesied by the ancients.
In the Sorcha Faal’s seminal work published in 2007, Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors, she notes that in these “last days” the “guideposts” to what the future will hold for humanity does, indeed, rest hidden to the discerning reader in the words handed down to us by the ancients, none being more important in this case than those of Nostradamus, who in writing of this coming Lunar Eclipse and feared conjunctions warned:
“The arms to fight in the sky a long time,
The tree in the middle of the city fallen:
Sacred bough clipped, steel, in the face of the firebrand,
Then the Monarch of Adria fallen.” Quatrain 3:11
Most ominously for our World today, “the tree in the middle of the city” has, indeed, “fallen” with news from Glastonbury that the 2,000-year-old Holy Thorn Tree, one of Christianities oldest and most revered symbols, has been cut down by vandals. With the great tree now “fallen”, the battle for this Earth now moves to the “sky” until the “Monarch of Adria” (Pope Benedict XVI) has “fallen” too.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

There Are No Words to Describe the Following...

This is a daily occurrence in the halls of our so called legal system.

Consider a few points...

1. There is no United States of America... only a ghost of that idea remains.

2. There is no Justice... only the illusion of it.

3. Believing in a religion...any religion...is dangerous. Most all leaders have been extorted and distorted to do their masters bidding.

4. If you think someone is coming to save you, you have already been killed.

5. And now the last and most important one.....(which is a deep concept and will require more words to convey) You can not rebuild a republic, a democracy, a free market, a religion, or even a world with a language that has been hacked*.

When we leave the power to the money changers to write the legal dictionaries that frames and structures our societies, then our entire mental reference framework is subverted and hijacked.

In a legal dictionary such as blacks laws, many words have many different meanings. Words are the bricks of a contract. Quantumly speaking, if a word can have several different meanings then it cannot occupy a definite point. Without a definite point.... every word is a loop hole left to be interpreted as a reasonable doubt and thus any attorney knows this can win ANY case.

"It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is."
–Bill Clinton, during his 1998 grand jury testimony on the Monica Lewinsky affair-

"A formidable adversary is he who attacks the game and cares not for the facts."
To keep it short.. here is the meat and potatoes....

"We are not held captive by countries, governments, banks,  covenants,  money, religions or by prisons. The minds and bodies of my people are enslaved by their language."

And you can quote me on that.....


*Definition: "Hacked Language" = Any language where each word is referenced as having several difference meanings. The meanings of each word being directed and maintained by an authority who has the responsibility of skewing and manipulating the social structure of a planet to further their own agenda.

                     VIDEO HERE

Click Here to go back and comment at Godlike Productions

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: 9/11 Pentagon – Full Documentary

I am proud of ol' Jesse...  This documentary was pretty good. He's getting better and better at it ! 


Friday, December 10, 2010


This is an older film... but that doesn't matter.

 It is overflowing with good information.

 Revisiting films such as this is a wonderful idea. You may discover something within that you missed the first time or the information may trigger and new understanding from things learned since you last watched.

Information presented is most always bestowed to sway ones mind one way or the other. What's important to remember is that you are in control.

Anyone can make a decision. But few make informed decisions.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why WikiLeaks You May Ask ?

To Pass More Orwellian Laws Perhaps....

Eric Blair
Activist Post
Senator Mitch McConnell called Assange a “high-tech terrorist” on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday and said, “if it‘s found that Assange hasn’t violated the law, then the law should be changed.”
Over the weekend, an insightful article by Zen Gardner exposed how WikiLeaks resembles an establishment creation. The article correctly pointed out that the WikiLeaks storyline was conforming nicely to the elite’s problem-reaction-solution method, with the solution of more tyranny for our safety.
WikiLeaks is being used to bring in the agenda on so many levels, but most importantly by setting the precedent of shutting down websites for politically “dangerous” content. Gardner writes:
After all, if information is now the enemy, we must carefully police any and every aspect of this dangerous medium — all for the safety and protection of ‘we the people.’
Oh, we’ll still have the Internet, just like you can still fly. You’ll just have to be on the ‘approved’ list, screened, stamped, zapped, mugged and molested if you want to get ‘on the net.’  No biggie. Thanks Julian — job well done.
First, let’s be clear, the 250,000 pages of cables amounted to some geopolitical Jerry Springer he-said-she-said nonsense to make countries look petty and stupid.  They revealed nothing new that wasn’t already known or well suspected.  The information simply stoked existing flames by airing geopolitical dirty laundry, nothing more — no secret weapons, no major arms deals, no tactical locations of troops, and no revealing the ID of secret agents, etc.
Yet, the government has used its corporate muscle to illegally limit access to WikiLeaks.  It was recently revealed that Amazon, the server host for WikiLeaks, caved to political pressure to drop the website.  Then, in dictatorial fashion, PayPal removed its service for donations to WikiLeaks, and now their bank account has been frozen.  And all this comes a week after the shutdown of 80-plus websites for “copyright infringement,” apparently in preparation for passing the “Blacklist” bill.
Now, Gardner’s weekend speculation and McConnell’s call for action has turned into political reality. The Hill reports today that Senators unveil anti-WikiLeaks legislation, which seems to be a sort-of “Patriot Act” for the Internet.  It’s astonishing how fast these guys can write legislation when major events occur. And again, it’s tyranny-saurus rex, Joe Lieberman, leading the charge with scandal-ridden Ensign (R-Nev.) and empty-suit Scott Brown (R-Mass.).  Ensign was quoted:
WikiLeaks is not a whistleblower website and Assange is not a journalist.
That, we agree with.  Yet, therein lies the concern for establishing new Internet rules of what can and can’t be discussed, and who qualifies as a “journalist.”  Look, Assange is clearly either a kinda-smart “useful idiot” or a brilliant insider to the elite. He is certainly not a genuine whistleblower.  Admittedly, though, for those of us who hoped he was the real thing, the elite have used some savvy tactics to boost WikiLeaks’rogue credibility in order to confuse us.
The White House has sent down a warning to government agencies to restrict employee access to WikiLeaks in order to make Assange and crew appear dangerously off limits. Apparently, this warning has already trickled down to “potential” government employees as well.  It was revealed that the State Department warned Columbia University students who may apply for a Federal job:
DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter.
In other words, the Thought Police are out in full force telling job-hungry students to not apply if they discuss current events if authorities label those events dangerous or harmful to America.  Soon, they’ll most likely publicly fire a mid-level employee who went over the line to prove how serious they are. After all, they desperately need to keep the slaves on the plantation.
Furthermore, an Interpol arrest warrant has been issued for Julian Assange for shady rape charges, making him an internationally “wanted” man.
And Assange is playing the clever but likable villain part so well, too, claiming to have an encrypted ”insurance” file in case anyone kills him or terminates the website.  Assange is the perfect international man of mystery with the dark shades in press conferences; endless mainstream media interviews with his exotic accent and short temper; and his famous silver-blond locks. What a great show they’re putting on for us.  I’m sure the movie industry is already clamoring for the rights to the script.
In the meantime, it has become the typical political game show. Only in America could Cablegate become such a divide-and-conquer partisan issue.  The Right have successfully defined WikiLeaks as a dangerous terrorist organization and desire the assassination of its leader, while the Left defends the public’s right to knowledge, but disparages the damage the documents may cause, thus setting up the obvious bipartisan compromise: tighter control and surveillance of the Internet.
It will go down like this: the Right’s extreme calls for Assange’s execution will give the establishment the publicly defensible compromise to at least shut down their website by way of pressuring their service providers, etc. And the wimpy Left will compromise by letting it happen, while Assange will be allowed to remain alive and free.
It fits ever so perfectly for them to extend the definition of an “enemy combatant” to a website that publishes “anti-government” material.  Enter Attorney General Eric Holder, who has authorized “significant” action into the probe of WikiLeaks.  Can’t you just smell the tyranny coming to the Internet?
Ron Paul said it best in his book Revolution: A Manifesto: “Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” Paul reiterated this principle of transparency in a recent interview.  Paul said we need more WikiLeaks if we expect to live in a free society:
‘In a free society we’re supposed to know the truth,’ Paul insisted.  ‘In a society where truth becomes treason, then we’re in big trouble.’
Given the angry calls for action and today’s developments of government proposals, not to mention theblight of Internet legislation already on the table, we will likely get the exact opposite of the free-flow of information that Paul is advocating.  In fact, if history is any indicator, get ready for nothing less than the Patriot Act for the Internet!