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Monday, December 27, 2010

Mass Hypnosis Over the Internet Starts Wednesday in St. Cloud Minnesota Via Flickering Office LED Lights.

This has the makings of a mass hypnosis tool for the NWO.

The original story headline reads… “Flickering lights used to send coded signals for Internet”.

In general the human eye is believed to be able to perceive pictures at 30fps, however, 220fps or higher have been proposed by others.

But this is the conscious minds perception. What about the subconscious? At what rate can it perceive pictures and data?

And for our article see Photosensitive epilepsy.

Men like Hitler, Mussolini, Kim Jong-il, and countless others though out history, not only were aware of this, but also wielded this power over their subjects to do whatever their evil hearts desired.

A technic that Hitler used was his strong emotional and vocal commands. It has been uncovered now that Hitler was coached on how to deliver such a convincing vocal mindwipe.

Watch this Documentary to see some of Kim Jong-il’s handy work.

Want to try it yourself?  Go here for pointers.

We are told that no one has a complete understanding how the mind works. One question that perplexes me is this, “why does the subconscious allow others to program it?”

I also want to know how to ensure my firewall is working against such attacks.

The question anymore is not, “who is brainwashed?” it is, “who is not?”

“Your mind can be hacked without you even knowing it”… this statement should send shivers all over you!

What worries me about this news article that I have brought forth is that the amount of brainwashing of the subliminal mind could possibly explode with the use of office lighting disguised as an internet Wifi alternative.

Do we really need a Wifi alternative?

This looks like a solution looking for a problem to me.

Just think, from a remote unknown location, countless numbers of people could be mindwiped over the internet…. And no one would ever suspect a thing…How convenient !

All I can say folks is this, if and when this technology comes to your office, I would have suggested…. “Don’t drink the kool-aid”… but by that time…. it might be too late.


                                    See Video

If the Governments have really made it illegal for corporation to use against us, do you really think they just closed it away in a box never to use it themselves?

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