Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010 Bramerton TwitterAlcuin Bramerton profile ..... Index of blog contents ..... Home The other shoe drops in Europe. Queen of England orders US Obama Administration, Senators and Congress to vacate Washington DC. Vast quantities of US-forged executive documents bearing faked signatures of Queen Elizabeth II come to light in US banks.The House of Windsor Crown Temple Syndicate within the City of London Corporation owns the ten square miles of Washington DC (map here) and everything in it, including the constitutionally illegal Washington DC private corporation itself, and all its assets. The Queen has ordered her constitutionally illegal tenants out of her property. The Obama White House has been caught attempting to use forged signatures of Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) to extort US survival trillions from international sovereign and quasi-sovereign financial entities. The Windsor Crown Syndicate in London, in partnership with a major Chinese faction, has already executed a $47 trillion lien on the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board. More background here (27.04.10) and here (28.04.10). And more Queen background can be found here (19.10.09).