Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Have the Seventh Sign of Hopi Prophecy Come True?
Have the Seventh Sign of Hopi Prophecy Come True?
The following is the 9ine Hopi Prophecies. Have the 7th one just been fulfilled, with the Oil spill in the Gulf? The 8th could refer to "counter cultural's" walking out on regular society and "civilization" and the 9th could be referring to Betelgeuse going supernova in 2012 (Kachina).
1. "This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.
2. "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."
3. "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."
See Ankole Cattle or Watusi Bull
4. "This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."
5. "This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."
US Power Grid
6. "This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."
7. "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."
8. "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.
9. "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.
BP Oil Spill Corexit Dispersants Suspected in Widespread Crop Damage
UPDATED: June 27, 2010 - Last May 24, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson promised, "We will conduct our own tests to determine the least toxic, most effective dispersant available in the volumes necessary for a crisis of this magnitude... I am not satisfied that BP has done an extensive enough analysis of other dispersant options."
As of today, those tests have not been completed, according to the EPA. In the meantime, BP has dumped 1.4 million gallons of Corexit on the gulf. Next week, we could have a hurricane pushing Corexit inland.
As of today, those tests have not been completed, according to the EPA. In the meantime, BP has dumped 1.4 million gallons of Corexit on the gulf. Next week, we could have a hurricane pushing Corexit inland.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Is Toxic Rain / Air From the Gulf Killing Plants?
Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres and ORGANIC FARMERS
Friday, June 25, 2010
Run For the Hills !...(and hope it doesn't rain)
Oil Industry Insider and CFR Member Predicts Gulf Evacuation
June 25, 2010
Buried in an article on Gulf of Mexico scenarios and predictions, Joel Achenbach of the Washington Post quotes Matthew Simmons, founder and chairman emeritus of Simmons & Company International.
The National Hurricane Center said today that a stormy region in the Caribbean will get organized and strengthen into a tropical storm. It has a 40 percent chance of becoming a tropical cyclone — in other words, a hurricane — in the next two days, an estimate that was at zero a few days ago. “Upper-level winds are expected to become more conducive for development of this system as it moves westward or west-northwestward around 10 mph over the next couple of days,” the NHC told the Baltimore Sun. “There is a medium chance (40 percent) of this system becoming a tropical cyclone during the next 48 hours.” forecaster Joe Bastardi said steering winds could bring the storm into the Gulf of Mexico by early next week. Gulf waters are very warm, so that would not be good news, according to Bastardi. An illustration (above) depicts the storm pushing oil onshore.
Oil in the Gulf not only contains a massive amount of methane, but also deadly hydrogen sulfide, benzene and methylene chloride. BP admits methane makes up about 40 percent of the leaking crude by mass.
Matthew Simmons is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and subscribes the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth propaganda. He is also a proponent of Peak Oil, the scarcity theory exploited by globalists to push for depopulation and a systematic dismantling of modern civilization.
Many scientists now believe oil is abiotic — continually generated deep within the earth — and is not finite and produced from organic material.
As Joel Skousen notes, Peak Oil is arriving “not so much because the supply has really peaked, but because the manipulated supply is peaking. The U.S. is withholding vast Arctic and offshore resources … and that isn’t likely to change in our lifetime. We’re stuck with these powerful controlling forces, and will be — thanks to a dumbed-down electorate — until it’s too late to do anything about it” (see Dr. Stanley Monteith, The Peak Oil Myth).
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Methane in Gulf "astonishingly high"
Methane in Gulf "astonishingly high":
U.S. scientist
Texas A&M University oceanography professor John Kessler, just back from a 10-day research expedition near the BP Plc oil spill in the gulf, says methane gas levels in some areas are "astonishingly high."
Kessler's crew took measurements of both surface and deep water within a 5-mile (8 kilometer) radius of BP's broken wellhead.
"There is an incredible amount of methane in there," Kessler told reporters in a telephone briefing.
In some areas, the crew of 12 scientists found concentrations that were 100,000 times higher than normal.
"We saw them approach a million times above background concentrations" in some areas, Kessler said.
The scientists were looking for signs that the methane gas had depleted levels of oxygen dissolved in the water needed to sustain marine life.
"At some locations, we saw depletions of up to 30 percent of oxygen based on its natural concentration in the waters. At other places, we saw no depletion of oxygen in the waters. We need to determine why that is," he told the briefing.
Methane occurs naturally in sea water, but high concentrations can encourage the growth of microbes that gobble up oxygen needed by marine life.
Kessler said oxygen depletions have not reached a critical level yet, but the oil is still spilling into the Gulf, now at a rate of as much as 60,000 barrels a day, according to U.S. government estimates.
"What is it going to look like two months down the road, six months down the road, two years down the road?" he asked.
Methane, a natural gas, dissolves in seawater and some scientists think measuring methane could give a more accurate picture of the extent of the oil spill.
Kessler said his team has taken those measurements, and is hoping to have an estimate soon.
"Give us about a week and we should have some preliminary numbers on that," he said.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
You Couldn't Make This Up Dept: "Why is Mars' Moon Phobos Hollow?"
From "The Phobos Blog" -- published on March 25th: General , Science 25 March, 2010 17:21
Radio science result from 2008 Phobos Flyby now accepted for publication:
We report independent results from two subgroups of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) team who independently analyzed Mars Express (MEX) radio tracking data for the purpose of determining consistently the gravitational attraction of the moon Phobos on the MEX spacecraft, and hence the mass of Phobos. We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid.
For a Martian moon that is demonstrably "1/3 hollow" ... as measured by two totally independent space programs, and separated by ~20 years ... under any likely astrophysical formation scenario cannot exist as just a "natural" moon. The MARSIS radar imaging experiment -- according to "inside" ESA sources recounted "a Phobos' interior filled with 'cavernous, geometric rooms ... right-angle walls ... and floors -- detectable via the semi-regular 'structure of the returning, interior radar echoes ...' as they were impressed upon the reflected MARSIS signals ....'"
MARSIS was physically seeing (via this radar) a three-dimensional, totally artificial, interior world ... within Phobos; and a "reflection void interior geometry" ... which correlated eerily with the earlier (lower-resolution) Phobos "interior gravity tracking data ...." No natural "space rock" could possibly possess such an enormous range of "natural radar absorbers and reflectors"; nothing "natural" could reflect (or absorb) EM energy that way across so many orders of magnitude.
In other words -- the MARSIS radar reflections officially published on the official ESA Phobos website... contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly "supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside 'a huge ... geometric ... hollow spaceship'
In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly "internal, 3-D geometric-looking" radar signature.
The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments -- "imaging" ... "internal mass distribution" (tracking) ... and "internal radar imaging" -- now agreed that "the interior of Phobos is 'partially hollow ... with internal, geometric "voids" inside it ....'" Meaning that- Phobos is artificial.
MARSIS was physically seeing (via this radar) a three-dimensional, totally artificial, interior world ... within Phobos; and a "reflection void interior geometry" ... which correlated eerily with the earlier (lower-resolution) Phobos "interior gravity tracking data ...." No natural "space rock" could possibly possess such an enormous range of "natural radar absorbers and reflectors"; nothing "natural" could reflect (or absorb) EM energy that way across so many orders of magnitude.
In other words -- the MARSIS radar reflections officially published on the official ESA Phobos website... contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly "supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside 'a huge ... geometric ... hollow spaceship'
In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly "internal, 3-D geometric-looking" radar signature.
The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments -- "imaging" ... "internal mass distribution" (tracking) ... and "internal radar imaging" -- now agreed that "the interior of Phobos is 'partially hollow ... with internal, geometric "voids" inside it ....'" Meaning that- Phobos is artificial.
Criminal Investigation of BP Staged Oil Spill Vital
Following the rise of sufficient indicators that BP knew about the conditions of its Gulf oil assets prior to the April 20 leak & explosion 62 long days ago and counting, Alex Jones has called for criminal investigations of key figures at BP, inside the White House administration and elsewhere. Further, Alex has urged activists and concerned citizens everywhere to take a proactive approach to dealing with the looming consequences of the massive oil leak.
He suggests calling on Governors and State Legislators in the Gulf Region to assert 10th Amendment rights-- refute the Federal Government's inaction, and institute measures to resolve the situation as best as can be.
In addition, Alex alerts awakened people everywhere to the renewed efforts by President Obama and certain allies, to ram through Carbon Taxes and other Climate Change measures via stealth, and using the crisis of the BP Oil Spill to justify such fascist policies-- when the Obama Administration's bewildered response (much like the Bush Administration's delayed response at Katrina) exacerbated the scale and depth of the crisis BP may have let happen.
He suggests calling on Governors and State Legislators in the Gulf Region to assert 10th Amendment rights-- refute the Federal Government's inaction, and institute measures to resolve the situation as best as can be.
In addition, Alex alerts awakened people everywhere to the renewed efforts by President Obama and certain allies, to ram through Carbon Taxes and other Climate Change measures via stealth, and using the crisis of the BP Oil Spill to justify such fascist policies-- when the Obama Administration's bewildered response (much like the Bush Administration's delayed response at Katrina) exacerbated the scale and depth of the crisis BP may have let happen.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
*** Trustees for We the People File International Claim Against BP and the Queen ! ***
Restore America Plan Taking Oil Spill Action, Maritime Lien against the The Crown
Executive Summary – You will see links to three sections. The first is a fax cover sheet, the second is a comprehensive list of email addresses and the third is a Maritime Lien for Ten Quad Trillion Dollars filed against BP and the Queen of England for the oil spill damages. The documents goes on to establish acts of chemical warfare and other intrusions against the United States.
Links are here:
Definitions – There are some things many of you will not understand and why should you not being lawyers.
Maritime Lien - A maritime lien is a remedy in law to seize assets fast for damages pertaining to seagoing vessels or offenses at sea. The offense should have occurred at sea or concerning a vessel. BP and the oil spill is relevant to a maritime lien because the oil spill took place at sea. There are damaged persons and damaged property. The blame is directly attributable to BP even acknowledged by them. These liens allow fast execution to seize property before the vessels sails away to ports unknown.
The Crown – BP is a British Corp and thus the crown has legal title to it. The Crown also has other disguised ownership positions in BP, thus liability.
War – This is being regarded as an act of war. Think about it. This is a chemical weapons attack to destroy our land, water and animal life plus the health and safety of the people. BP committed wrongful acts and then some.
Lis Pendens – This is an official notice filed in some jurisdiction(s) stating that a claim has been filed. The Lis Pendens is to protect the plaintiffs interest in the property in the event they prevail in the action. It clouds the title to the property preventing the defendant from selling the property since they cannot provide clear title with a Lis Pendens on file. This was done against all of the BP assets worldwide and the Crown of England for allowing its franchised agent (BP) to invade, attack, chemically poison and terrorize the sovereign people of the United States and their property. You need to read the document.
Quad Trillion – A quad trillion is 1000 trillion dollars. This claim is for ten quad trillion. This is what the number looks like: 10,000,000,000,000,000.
Where Served – International Court of Justice, Hague, Netherlands, Her Majesty's Treasury in London, Bank of International Settlements Basel Switzerland, International Chamber of Commerce in Paris France.
What to Do – The PTB will try to laugh this off and sweep it under the rug. The idea is to not let them do this. Part of the document says that Obama and the USA have forfeited their rights to be in control because they did nothing thus allowing damages to continue and worse threatening lives and property around the world.
Links are here:
Definitions – There are some things many of you will not understand and why should you not being lawyers.
Maritime Lien - A maritime lien is a remedy in law to seize assets fast for damages pertaining to seagoing vessels or offenses at sea. The offense should have occurred at sea or concerning a vessel. BP and the oil spill is relevant to a maritime lien because the oil spill took place at sea. There are damaged persons and damaged property. The blame is directly attributable to BP even acknowledged by them. These liens allow fast execution to seize property before the vessels sails away to ports unknown.
The Crown – BP is a British Corp and thus the crown has legal title to it. The Crown also has other disguised ownership positions in BP, thus liability.
War – This is being regarded as an act of war. Think about it. This is a chemical weapons attack to destroy our land, water and animal life plus the health and safety of the people. BP committed wrongful acts and then some.
Lis Pendens – This is an official notice filed in some jurisdiction(s) stating that a claim has been filed. The Lis Pendens is to protect the plaintiffs interest in the property in the event they prevail in the action. It clouds the title to the property preventing the defendant from selling the property since they cannot provide clear title with a Lis Pendens on file. This was done against all of the BP assets worldwide and the Crown of England for allowing its franchised agent (BP) to invade, attack, chemically poison and terrorize the sovereign people of the United States and their property. You need to read the document.
Quad Trillion – A quad trillion is 1000 trillion dollars. This claim is for ten quad trillion. This is what the number looks like: 10,000,000,000,000,000.
Where Served – International Court of Justice, Hague, Netherlands, Her Majesty's Treasury in London, Bank of International Settlements Basel Switzerland, International Chamber of Commerce in Paris France.
What to Do – The PTB will try to laugh this off and sweep it under the rug. The idea is to not let them do this. Part of the document says that Obama and the USA have forfeited their rights to be in control because they did nothing thus allowing damages to continue and worse threatening lives and property around the world.
June 12, 2010
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show earlier in the week, pastor Lindsey Williams said that gases — Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases — pose a greater risk to human health than the presence of oil washing up on Gulf of Mexico beaches. Williams said the EPA is not reporting on the amount of gases escaping from the BP oil gusher. However, the second video below suggests the EPA has released data on the amount of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene in the air in Louisiana.
On May 14 WWLTV in New Orleans ran a report on the levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene in the air at that time. 5-10 parts per billion is the established allowable amount for Hydrogen Sulfide. WWLTV reported that on May 3 the level was recorded at 1,192 ppb. Pastor Williams said his sources report the level detected in the Gulf at 1,200 ppb and the amount poses a serious and even fatal health risk.
“The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher,” the Institute for Southern Studies blog reported on May 10.Today the Louisiana Environmental Action Network released its analysis of air monitoring test results by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA’s air testing data comes from Venice, a coastal community 75 miles south of New Orleans in Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish.The findings show that levels of airborne chemicals have far exceeded state standards and what’s considered safe for human exposure.
For instance, hydrogen sulfide has been detected at concentrations more than 100 times greater than the level known to cause physical reactions in people. Among the health effects of hydrogen sulfide exposure are eye and respiratory irritation as well as nausea, dizziness, confusion and headache.
The concentration threshold for people to experience physical symptoms from hydrogen sulfide is about 5 to 10 parts per billion. But as recently as last Thursday, the EPA measured levels at 1,000 ppb. The highest levels of airborne hydrogen sulfide measured so far were on May 3, at 1,192 ppb.
From the H2S Safety Factsheet:
Health Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide
H2S is classed as a chemical asphyxiant, similar to carbon monoxide and cyanide gases. It inhibits cellular respiration and uptake of oxygen, causing biochemical suffocation. Typical exposure symptoms include:
Health Effects of Exposure to Benzene (from the CDC):
- The major effect of benzene from long-term exposure is on the blood. (Long-term exposure means exposure of a year or more.) Benzene causes harmful effects on the bone marrow and can cause a decrease in red blood cells, leading to anemia. It can also cause excessive bleeding and can affect the immune system, increasing the chance for infection.
L O W | 0 – 10 ppm | Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat | |
M O D | 10 – 50 ppm | Headache Dizziness Nausea and vomiting Coughing and breathing difficulty | |
H I G H | 50 – 200 ppm | Severe respratory tract irritation Eye irritation / acute conjunctivitis Shock Convulsions Coma Death in severe casesProlonged exposures at lower levels can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, migraine headaches, pulmonary edema, and loss of motor coordination. |
- Some women who breathed high levels of benzene for many months had irregular menstrual periods and a decrease in the size of their ovaries. It is not known whether benzene exposure affects the developing fetus in pregnant women or fertility in men.
- Animal studies have shown low birth weights, delayed bone formation, and bone marrow damage when pregnant animals breathed benzene.
- The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has determined that benzene causes cancer in humans. Long-term exposure to high levels of benzene in the air can cause leukemia, cancer of the blood-forming organs.
People who breathe in high levels of benzene may develop the following signs and symptoms within minutes to several hours:
* Drowsiness
* Dizziness
* Rapid or irregular heartbeat
* Headaches
* Tremors
* Confusion
* Unconsciousness
* Death (at very high levels)
People Fall ill in BP Spill Cleanup, May 27, 2010 (from Democracy Now)
The government is passing the buck on illnesses related to exposure to BP. “Getting statistics on worker illness related to the Gulf oil spill is proving to be difficult, as federal agencies continually refer requests either to another federal agency or to BP,” ProPublica reported on June 10. “When we asked for statistics on health complaints related to the Gulf spill, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told us to ask the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA has told us to ask BP. The Environmental Protection Agency recommended via e-mail that we contact someone at the Department of Homeland Security.”
Do you think BP will address this serious health issue? The corporation will not even allow the media to report in oil washing up on beaches.
Government and corporations are not in the business of protecting our health. Corporations are in the business making as much money as possible and government is in the business of making sure corporations make as much money as possible. The health and welfare of the American people does not figure into the equation.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
This is just a few days old
Economic Collapse – White Dragon Society – Vatican – Emergency Evacuations
David Wilcock - Ben Fulford
Date: Mon, May 31, 2010
Today these 2 internet entries were gathered that may shed more light about the Truth of these Matters. Ben Fulford - David Wilcock comments in a blog about Fulford’s writing, particularly confirming what his sources are telling him – the spill was on purpose, the cabal is going down and rapid changes do surround us.
Pasted in full -Emergency evacuations plans have been drawn up for entire Gulf of Mexico region as secret financial negotiations head to climax.
Posted by benjamin
May 31, 2010
The Pentagon and US government have drawn up emergency plans to evacuate much of the population surrounding the Gulf of Mexico in anticipation of toxic rain and severe environmental damage, a military intelligence source says. The extreme environmental destruction and the deliberate failure to put an end to the oil leaks are all part of the dark cabal’s bargaining strategy since all they have left to bargain with now is the threat of mayhem. At the same time, a senior oil industry source has approached the White Dragon Society with an offer of $60 billion a month to be spent on saving the planet so long as the money goes through the Vatican, the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board.
The moves by the Feds, the BIS, the Vatican and the oil people are a clear sign they are at last recognizing the handwriting on the wall. The situation is not looking very good for them at all right now.
First of all, the attack on the Euro is moving ahead via the weakest dominoes. After Greece, the next targets of speculative attack will be Spain (already happening), Italy and the five Baltic states, according to a senior member of the Rothschild family. After that, the next phase of the attack will proceed against France, then England and finally the United States. The result will eventually be revolution followed by banksters hanging from lampposts as famously predicted by George Bush Senior.
The attempt by Germany to ban naked short selling is healthy in the sense that naked short selling creates volatility but ultimately, it is just a case of shooting the messenger. The underlying reality cannot be regulated away. The fact of the matter is the Mediterranean, British and US people have been living beyond their means for a very long time and their international credit has dried up. Each of these regions either needs to issue a new, devalued currency or else watch their economies implode until wages fall to developing country levels. A debt write-off is also definitely a must for all of these regions because the alternative is the politically impossible scenario of hundreds of years of debt slavery for these peoples. The debt will be paid in gold and the White Dragon Society has enough for all.
In the US, meanwhile, white hats in the Pentagon are steadily making their preparations for a major move against the Washington D.C. Corporation. The mobilization of militias and military outfits around the country are not directed against the American people, Pentagon sources say. Although as little as a year ago about half the US military establishment was ready to support the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, that is no longer the case. The Pentagon has now told Washington they will not move against the US people. Furthermore, if necessary, the Chinese and the Russians will help the American patriotic forces defend themselves against Blackwater (Xe) S.S. stormtroopers should things come to a head.
The last source of Federal Reserve Board strength would seem to be their corporate propaganda media but that is just a paper tiger. All the Pentagon would need to do is occupy the main networks and newspapers and force them to do what they have long since stopped doing: tell the truth.
The Cabal that has secretly ruled the West for thousands of years is running out of time to reach a deal. What used to be a unified monolith is now splintering into increasingly small fragments.As we have already seen England has split from the US, the Mediterranean countries are splitting from Northern Europe and the US is internally split too.
Furthermore, the Vatican is now split into three groups that are engaged in a vigorous internal struggle: Opus Dei, the Jesuits and the Vatican itself. Ultimately, the Pope will have to resign and the Vatican will have to reveal its secrets before this dispute can be settled by God-fearing average Catholics.
The situation in Israel is also coming to a head. The flotilla that is attempting to break the blockade of Gaza is backed by Turkey.Turkey, once a strong ally of Israel, is now spearheading an Islamic movement against the Zionist state. This completely alters the balance of power in the region and makes Israel look increasingly like the Crusader state at the time of Saladin. Take a look at the amount of soldiers (including reserves) available to each side should things come to a head:
Israel 629,000
Turkey 1,075,000
Syria 536,000
Iran 3,675,000
Lebanon 85,000
Egypt 1,109,000
While it may seem premature to include Egypt in this list since they formally signed a peace treaty with Israel, Egypt is definitely headed for regime change. It should also be noted Turkey has a state-of-the-art NATO-equipped military Nor is the United States likely to intervene militarily on behalf of Israel given the current political situation in the US these days.
It should be noted that the offer of $60 billion a month to the White Dragon Society was made contingent on coming up with some sort of settlement of ancient disputes between the three main peoples of the book: the Jew/Protestants, the Vatican and the Muslims.
The solution is really quite simple to reach now that the nightmarish Satanic plan to enslave humanity is coming to an end: live and let live. If you look at the situation objectively you will see there is no reason for conflict between these groups, all the fighting and strife between them has been artificially engineered.
As usual, there is a lot we are being asked not to report at present in order to prevent ongoing, sensitive negotiations and preparations from being derailed. We do not expect any public announcements yet but we can say that this week’s Bilderberg meeting in Spain is being countered by a secret, extremely powerful non-Bilderberg meeting elsewhere. The secrecy is only temporary and is meant to protect people’s lives until the situation is ready for the long-awaited public announcements. Until that happens, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Nonetheless, this same insider also corroborated that there are very rapid changes going on. Things are coming apart at the seams within these negative groups, and it can literally be charted on a day-by-day basis. I have not gotten specific details but it dovetails very nicely with what Ben is saying, and this is something I’m hearing from ALL the insiders I know at this point. Across the board.
That being said, we need to spread the suppressed knowledge as quickly and effectively as possible.
I recommend for EVERYONE to check out my new Disclosure interview with best-selling author Graham Hancock.
In case you don’t already know, Hancock is arguably the world’s best modern scholar on ancient civilizations, including multiple best-selling books such as Fingerprints of the Gods.
In 90 minutes, I managed to run him through EVERYTHING he’s put out in his books over the years — all the most significant data points in one package. And it’s FREE.
It is very important to educate yourself and get the word out, and video is the best way to do that. So check this out, and let everyone know!
In Knowledge we have Freedom. php/start-here/davids-blog/ 838-settinghistoryfree
- David
We went
May 30, 2010 7:50 PM
http://nesaranews.blogspot. com/2010/05/benjamin-fulford- emergency-evacuations.html? showComment=1275274214110# c7818704668065338041
David Wilcock - Ben Fulford
Date: Mon, May 31, 2010
Today these 2 internet entries were gathered that may shed more light about the Truth of these Matters. Ben Fulford - David Wilcock comments in a blog about Fulford’s writing, particularly confirming what his sources are telling him – the spill was on purpose, the cabal is going down and rapid changes do surround us.
Pasted in full -Emergency evacuations plans have been drawn up for entire Gulf of Mexico region as secret financial negotiations head to climax.
Posted by benjamin
May 31, 2010
The Pentagon and US government have drawn up emergency plans to evacuate much of the population surrounding the Gulf of Mexico in anticipation of toxic rain and severe environmental damage, a military intelligence source says. The extreme environmental destruction and the deliberate failure to put an end to the oil leaks are all part of the dark cabal’s bargaining strategy since all they have left to bargain with now is the threat of mayhem. At the same time, a senior oil industry source has approached the White Dragon Society with an offer of $60 billion a month to be spent on saving the planet so long as the money goes through the Vatican, the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board.
The moves by the Feds, the BIS, the Vatican and the oil people are a clear sign they are at last recognizing the handwriting on the wall. The situation is not looking very good for them at all right now.
First of all, the attack on the Euro is moving ahead via the weakest dominoes. After Greece, the next targets of speculative attack will be Spain (already happening), Italy and the five Baltic states, according to a senior member of the Rothschild family. After that, the next phase of the attack will proceed against France, then England and finally the United States. The result will eventually be revolution followed by banksters hanging from lampposts as famously predicted by George Bush Senior.
The attempt by Germany to ban naked short selling is healthy in the sense that naked short selling creates volatility but ultimately, it is just a case of shooting the messenger. The underlying reality cannot be regulated away. The fact of the matter is the Mediterranean, British and US people have been living beyond their means for a very long time and their international credit has dried up. Each of these regions either needs to issue a new, devalued currency or else watch their economies implode until wages fall to developing country levels. A debt write-off is also definitely a must for all of these regions because the alternative is the politically impossible scenario of hundreds of years of debt slavery for these peoples. The debt will be paid in gold and the White Dragon Society has enough for all.
In the US, meanwhile, white hats in the Pentagon are steadily making their preparations for a major move against the Washington D.C. Corporation. The mobilization of militias and military outfits around the country are not directed against the American people, Pentagon sources say. Although as little as a year ago about half the US military establishment was ready to support the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, that is no longer the case. The Pentagon has now told Washington they will not move against the US people. Furthermore, if necessary, the Chinese and the Russians will help the American patriotic forces defend themselves against Blackwater (Xe) S.S. stormtroopers should things come to a head.
The last source of Federal Reserve Board strength would seem to be their corporate propaganda media but that is just a paper tiger. All the Pentagon would need to do is occupy the main networks and newspapers and force them to do what they have long since stopped doing: tell the truth.
The Cabal that has secretly ruled the West for thousands of years is running out of time to reach a deal. What used to be a unified monolith is now splintering into increasingly small fragments.As we have already seen England has split from the US, the Mediterranean countries are splitting from Northern Europe and the US is internally split too.
Furthermore, the Vatican is now split into three groups that are engaged in a vigorous internal struggle: Opus Dei, the Jesuits and the Vatican itself. Ultimately, the Pope will have to resign and the Vatican will have to reveal its secrets before this dispute can be settled by God-fearing average Catholics.
The situation in Israel is also coming to a head. The flotilla that is attempting to break the blockade of Gaza is backed by Turkey.Turkey, once a strong ally of Israel, is now spearheading an Islamic movement against the Zionist state. This completely alters the balance of power in the region and makes Israel look increasingly like the Crusader state at the time of Saladin. Take a look at the amount of soldiers (including reserves) available to each side should things come to a head:
Israel 629,000
Turkey 1,075,000
Syria 536,000
Iran 3,675,000
Lebanon 85,000
Egypt 1,109,000
While it may seem premature to include Egypt in this list since they formally signed a peace treaty with Israel, Egypt is definitely headed for regime change. It should also be noted Turkey has a state-of-the-art NATO-equipped military Nor is the United States likely to intervene militarily on behalf of Israel given the current political situation in the US these days.
It should be noted that the offer of $60 billion a month to the White Dragon Society was made contingent on coming up with some sort of settlement of ancient disputes between the three main peoples of the book: the Jew/Protestants, the Vatican and the Muslims.
The solution is really quite simple to reach now that the nightmarish Satanic plan to enslave humanity is coming to an end: live and let live. If you look at the situation objectively you will see there is no reason for conflict between these groups, all the fighting and strife between them has been artificially engineered.
As usual, there is a lot we are being asked not to report at present in order to prevent ongoing, sensitive negotiations and preparations from being derailed. We do not expect any public announcements yet but we can say that this week’s Bilderberg meeting in Spain is being countered by a secret, extremely powerful non-Bilderberg meeting elsewhere. The secrecy is only temporary and is meant to protect people’s lives until the situation is ready for the long-awaited public announcements. Until that happens, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Another familiar voice, (with connections) supporting “changes” occurring…
David Wilcock enters a comment supporting Fulford’s latest entry, posted at NESARA blogspot.
Anonymous said…
One of my insiders who I really don’t get to speak to very much, but who is very highly positioned, told me this spill was totally done deliberately. It echoes what everyone else has already been saying.
The date of the explosion, 4/20, ties in with Hitler’s birthday and other forms of ritual magick. The telegraphing of the blow in the movie “Knowing” is also part of the ritual aspect of this crime.
The responsible parties know they can’t do much with this stunt, but in the best-case scenario they hoped to intimidate everyone into backing off. This obviously has not worked, and they would be well advised not to soil their own nest any further — regardless of how suicidal they have now become.
David Wilcock enters a comment supporting Fulford’s latest entry, posted at NESARA blogspot.
Anonymous said…
One of my insiders who I really don’t get to speak to very much, but who is very highly positioned, told me this spill was totally done deliberately. It echoes what everyone else has already been saying.
The date of the explosion, 4/20, ties in with Hitler’s birthday and other forms of ritual magick. The telegraphing of the blow in the movie “Knowing” is also part of the ritual aspect of this crime.
The responsible parties know they can’t do much with this stunt, but in the best-case scenario they hoped to intimidate everyone into backing off. This obviously has not worked, and they would be well advised not to soil their own nest any further — regardless of how suicidal they have now become.
Nonetheless, this same insider also corroborated that there are very rapid changes going on. Things are coming apart at the seams within these negative groups, and it can literally be charted on a day-by-day basis. I have not gotten specific details but it dovetails very nicely with what Ben is saying, and this is something I’m hearing from ALL the insiders I know at this point. Across the board.
That being said, we need to spread the suppressed knowledge as quickly and effectively as possible.
I recommend for EVERYONE to check out my new Disclosure interview with best-selling author Graham Hancock.
In case you don’t already know, Hancock is arguably the world’s best modern scholar on ancient civilizations, including multiple best-selling books such as Fingerprints of the Gods.
In 90 minutes, I managed to run him through EVERYTHING he’s put out in his books over the years — all the most significant data points in one package. And it’s FREE.
It is very important to educate yourself and get the word out, and video is the best way to do that. So check this out, and let everyone know!
In Knowledge we have Freedom.
- David
We went
May 30, 2010 7:50 PM
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
This is the latest REAL NEWs About the BP WORLD OIL DISASTER. These people have quite possibly killed our planet. You should research Lindsey Williams if you have never hear of him.
We are in Trouble.
That Reveal The Soul-Crushing Horror This Disaster Is Causing
(The Economic Collapse Blog)It is incredibly hard to put into words the absolute horror that is happening in the Gulf of Mexico right now. The millions of gallons of oil that have gushed into the Gulf of Mexico and BP’s efforts to fight the massive leak are turning the Gulf into a lifeless toxic stew of oil and chemicals. The damage caused to wildlife in the Gulf by this spill will be incalculable. Entire species are at risk of being wiped out. Scientists are telling us that the primary dispersant being used by BP ruptures red blood cells and causes fish to bleed. This is by far the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history, and there is no end in sight. It is a worse environmental and economic disaster than all of the hurricanes of the past ten years combined. The great wetlands and beaches along the Gulf of Mexico will never be the same in our lifetimes. The seafood and tourism industries in the Gulf are being completely destroyed. The thousands of jobs and businesses being wiped out by this disaster could potentially throw the entire Gulf coast region into a depression. The damage already caused by this oil spill is beyond measure and yet the government tells us that up to 19,000 barrels (798,000 gallons) of oil a day continue to flow into the Gulf of Mexico.
Federal officials have expanded the “no fishing” area in the Gulf of Mexico to 75,920 square miles. That is 31 percent of all federal waters in the Gulf. As the oil continues to spread out there may soon be nowhere to fish.
And the oil is starting to come ashore in more places. Red-brown oil was found on Alabama’s Dauphin Island on Tuesday. As Gulf coast residents slowly watch this oil destroy everything around them they are starting to realize that this is it.
Life along the Gulf of Mexico will simply never be the same again.
The following are 30 shocking quotes about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that reveal the soul-crushing horror this disaster is causing….
#1) Councilman Jay LaFont of Grand Isle, Louisiana:
“As long as you have something to look forward to, a little glimmer of hope, you can move on. But this just drained everything out of us.”
#2) Billy Nungesser, president of Plaquemines Parish:
“They said the black oil wouldn’t come ashore. Well, it is ashore. It’s here to stay and it’s going to keep coming.”
#3) Prosanta Chakrabarty, a Louisiana State University fish biologist:
“Every fish and invertebrate contacting the oil is probably dying. I have no doubt about that.”
#4) Marine toxicologist Dr. Susan Shaw, director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute on BP’s use of chemical dispersants:
“They’ve been used at such a high volume that it’s unprecedented. The worst of these – Corexit 9527 – is the one they’ve been using most. That ruptures red blood cells and causes fish to bleed. With 800,000 gallons of this, we can only imagine the death that will be caused.”
#5) Dr. Larry McKinney, director of the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies in Texas:
“Bluefin tuna spawn just south of the oil spill and they spawn only in the Gulf. If they were to go through the area at a critical time, that’s one instance where a plume could destroy a whole species.”
#6) Carol Browner, Barack Obama’s adviser on energy and climate:
“This is probably the biggest environmental disaster we have ever faced in this country. It is certainly the biggest oil spill and we are responding with the biggest environmental response.”
#7) Richard Charter of the Defenders of Wildlife:
“It is so big and expanding so fast that it’s pretty much beyond human response that can be effective. … You’re looking at a long-term poisoning of the area. Ultimately, this will have a multidecade impact.”
#8) Reverand Mike Tran:
“We don’t know when this will ever be over. It’s a way of life that’s under assault, and people don’t when their next paycheck is going to be.”
#9) Louis Miller of the Mississippi Sierra Club:
“This is going to destroy the Mississippi and the Gulf Coast as we know it.”#9) Louis Miller of the Mississippi Sierra Club:
#10) Dean Blanchard, owner of a seafood business:
“I hold Obama responsible for not making BP stand up and look at the people in the face and fix it.”
#11) Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal:
“The day that we’ve been fearing is upon us.”
#12) Billy Nungesser, president of Plaquemines Parish, about BP CEO Tony Hayward:
“We ought to take him offshore and dunk him 10 feet underwater and pull him up and ask him ‘What’s that all over your face?”
#13) Former Clinton adviser James Carville:
“The country feels like it’s entitled to abuse this state and forget about us, and we are sick of it.”
#14) An anonymous Louisiana resident:
“A hurricane is like closing your bank account for a few days, but this here has the capacity to destroy our bank accounts.”
#15) U.S. Representative Edward Markey:
“I have no confidence whatsoever in BP . I think that they do not know what they are doing.”
#16) Gulf coast resident Marie Michel:
“Immediately, it’s no more fishing, no more crabbing, no more swimming, no more walking on the beach.”#17) Brenda Prosser of Mobile, Alabama:
“I just started crying. I couldn’t quit crying. I’m shaking now. To know that our beach may be black or brown, or that we can’t get in the water, it’s so sad.”#18) Qin Chen, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge on the possibility that a hurricane could push massive amounts of oil ashore along the Gulf:
“A hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico this year would be devastating.”
#19) Retired Army General Russel Honore on the effect this spill is having on residents of the Gulf coast:
“I’m sure, every time they hear a negative word, their skin crawls, ’cause they need these jobs. … This is what’s going to put their kids in school, and what pays the rent.”
#20) A group calling itself “Seize BP”:
“The greatest environmental disaster with no end in sight! Eleven workers dead. Millions of gallons of oil gushing for months (and possibly years) to come. Jobs vanishing. Creatures dying. A pristine environment destroyed for generations. A mega-corporation that has lied and continues to lie, and a government that refuses to protect the people.”
#21) Louisiania Governor Bobby Jindal:
“There has been failure, particularly with the effort to protect our coast and our marsh. And that was the biggest topic of discussion in a very frank meeting we had with the president.”#21) Louisiania Governor Bobby Jindal:
#22) BP’s chief operating officer, Doug Suttles:
“This scares everybody — the fact that we can’t make this well stop flowing, the fact that we haven’t succeeded so far.”
#23) Doug Rader, chief ocean scientist for the Environmental Defense Fund:
“You simply cannot make more (reefs), unless you have a few thousand years to wait.”
#24) Public Service Commissioner Benjamin Stevens:
“You get hit by a hurricane and you can rebuild. But when that stuff washes up on the white sands of Pensacola Beach, you can’t just go and get more white sand.”
#25) Wilma Subra, a chemist who has served as a consultant to the Environmental Protection Agency:
“Every time the wind blows from the south-east to the shore, people are being made sick.”
#26) Hotel Owner Dodie Vegas:
“It’s just going to kill us. It’s going to destroy us.”
#27) Louisiana resident Sean Lanier:
“Until they stop this leak, it’s just like getting stabbed and the knife’s still in you, and they’re moving it around.”
#28) White House energy adviser Carol Browner:
“There could be oil coming up until August.”
#29) Marine toxicologist Dr. Susan Shaw, director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute:
“We’ll see dead bodies soon. Sharks, dolphins, sea turtles, whales: the impact on predators will be seen in a short time because the food web will be impacted from the bottom up.”#29) Marine toxicologist Dr. Susan Shaw, director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute:
#30) Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser:
“We will die a slow death over the next two years as this oil creeps ashore.”
Monday, June 7, 2010
The BP oil Spill in the Gulf.....the 7th sign is upon us.
The Hopi Prophecy as written:
"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.
"He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.
"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.
"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.
"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."
"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."
"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."
"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."
"This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."
"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."
"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.
"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star.
Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.
"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands --
with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts
not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe.
Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return.
He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted.
These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.
"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.
"He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.
"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.
"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.
"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."
"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."
"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."
"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."
"This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."
"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."
"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.
"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star.
Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.
"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands --
with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts
not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe.
Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return.
He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted.
These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.
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